Treatments for Stretch Marks Removal
Our skin is one of the most amazing parts of our body. It
has the ability to recover, refresh, expand and contract. While the skin itself
is strong and elastic in nature, the supporting tissue gets easily damaged by any
fluctuation of body weight.
When the middle layer of the skin gets stretched too
quickly, some of its collagen fibers can break. This results in the appearance of the tell-tale
reddish-purplish marks on the skin that occur as the underlying blood vessels
rise closes to the surface of the skin and show through. This is called stretch
marks. Most women suffer from this problem during pregnancy or periods of
abrupt weight change. The good news is that with the advent of remedial
measures in science, this issue can easily be taken care of. Some of the ways
to treat stretch marks have been explained as below:
Retin A: One of the treatments found effective in
managing stretch marks. Retin A gets into the layer of the skin and helps in
rebuilding the collagen fiber which helps in reducing the signs of stretch
marks. However, this can be harmful for pregnant ladies and women who are still
nursing their children. This is why it should be used upon the advice of your doctor
Laser Therapy: Laser therapy is a fairly new treatment but
is showing good results. It is a therapy which appears to be effective in the
reduction of stretch marks. Good results can also
be achieved by employing Pulsed Dye Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light. A plastic, cosmetic, or
skin surgeon would perform these treatments.
Platelet rich plasma with ultrasound: Another effective method
of reducing stretch marks is Platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP therapy has gained
admiration in the industry as a way to revive skin and upsurge collagen
production instantly. PRP therapy uses PRP taken from the patient's own blood
immediately before the procedure.
Apart from this there are several home remedies available
that might act slow but give effective results if used over a period of time.
The best part about using home remedies is that they are affordable, convenient
to use and rarely if at all have any side effects.
Treatments for Stretch Marks Removal
Reviewed by Alex Kendrick
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